Mount Siguniang

Get to the top of Mount Si Guniang (5025m). Mar 2021

Swiss Orienteering Week

Attending Swiss Orienteering Week 2023. July 2023


Citywalk in Laussane July 2023

Loneliest Tree

Searching for the loneliest tree on the grasslands of Inner Mongolia. Oct 2023

Red Leaves

Hiking in the season of red leaves. Oct 2023


Hiking Tour du Mont Blanc. July 2023


Finding reindeer in the northernmost taiga of China. Jan 2024

Oral Presentation

Presenting my first paper at MLCCIM 2022. Aug 2022

Poster Presentation

Presenting my research at the China Scientific Data Conference. Apr 2023


Attending an International Conference on Geo-information and Disaster Management. Nov 2022