Academic CV


2019-2023 Beijing Jiaotong University
B.S. in Communication Engineering
GPA: 3.95/4
2023-2026 (expected) University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
M.S. in Remote Sensing

Research Experience

    Segmentaion and Edge Detection for Ionogram Automatic Scaling [paper] [code]
    Zheng Yijie, Wang Xiaoqing, Luo Yefei, Tian Hao, Chen Ziwei. MLCCIM, 2022.

    Deep Learning for Ionogram Automatic Scaling [poster] [doc] [code]
    [Atmosphere] Use deep learning to construct a benchmark for ionospheric structure detection and parameter extraction. Undergraduate Thesis, 2023.

    Deep Learning for Whale Detection from Satellite Imagery
    [Marine Ecology] Develop image processing techniques for whale abundance estimation in the Arctic region. 4th IEEE GRSS Student Grand Challenge, 2023-2025 (on going).

    AI Ready Data in Earth Observation
    [AI for Earth] Investigate the AI readiness of remote sensing datasets. 2023-2025 (on going).

Teaching Experience

  • Spring 2023 Teaching Assistant, OpenMMLab AI Camp, Shanghai AI Lab


  • 2023 Winner in 4th IEEE GRSS Student Grand Challenge
  • 2022 Honorable Mentioned in Mathematical Contest in Modeling
  • 2022 1st prize in MathorCup Mathematical Modeling Challenge
  • 2020 1st prize in National College Students Mathematics Competition

Awards and Honors

2020, 2022 National Scholarship
Awarded by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. Acceptance rate: 1%
2023 Highest Honors, BS Communication Engineering, BJTU
Graduated from Beijing Jiaotong University with a BS with highest honors.
2023 OpenMMLab Active Contributor
Awarded for the significant contributions to the OpenMMLab ecosystem.

Academic Service

  • 2024 Vice Chair, IEEE GRSS Student Branch Chapter (Beijing Section)

Language Skills

  • Chinese (native), English (IELTS score: 6.5), German (learning)